The new R+I Bulletin No. 9 is now available!
This bulletin summarises all the European Union’s activity in the field of R+I over the last months. The bulletin is structured into News; Calls and Awards; Statistics; Publications; and finally Magazines and Media Collection.
In this November edition, we can highlight news such as First vaccine to protect against Ebola; Zero hunger and sustainable growth for the fisheries and aquaculture sector or New challenges facing Europe’s waste water treatment plants present opportunities for improving sustainability.
Among the calls, you can find H2020 projects such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions : European Researchers’ Night 2020 or Healthy soils for healthy food production, and others calls such as SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund 2 Additional Joint Call.
Below, you can consult various statistics on the subject of R+I, among which we highlight Percentage of the ICT personnel in total employment or Greenhouse gas emission statistics – carbon footprints.
You will also find a compilation of the latest publications divied in topics such as Fishing industry; Environmental Impact; Public Health; Energetic Resources; Space Research; Food Industry; Scientific Researfh and Apiculture. in this section you can find publications such as EU public health policies. State of play, current and future challenges, The 2016 European Union report on pesticide residues in food or Ocean Health Projects that innovate : a sample of the projects funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund between 2014 and 2019.
Finally, in the section of Magazines and Media Library you can enjoy audiovisual material, such as AML saves lives with Galileo: A true story from Austria, or periodical publications related to R+I, such as Research*eu #86. Octubre 2019
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