A call for applications is now open for the attribution of four (4) fellowships within the scope of the Collaboration Agreement signed on October 11, 2018 between the University of Minho and the companies Proef and dstelecom (Proef-dstelecom/IB-S Chair), for Master’s or Integrated Master’s students, for a period of 6 months renewable up to a maximum total duration of 10 months, under the following conditions:
Scientific Area: Informatics Engineering.
Category of the candidates: Students enrolled in an integrated master’s or master’s degree in the scientific area of the public notice, and simultaneously, in the Dissertation course unit.
Requirements for granting the fellowship
- Only fellowships whose selected candidates present valid proof of enrollment in the degree awarding course will be contracted, according to the type of scholarship in competition, issued by the academic services of the Higher Education Institution, respectively with the indication of the current academic year or its duration (beginning and end).
- Enrollment in a degree awarding course will be verified on the date of contracting the scholarship.
Candidates profile
- Students enrolled in an integrated master’s or master’s degree, in the scientific area of the public notice, who have successfully completed at least 70% of the ECTS credits of the fourth academic year in the case of students enrolled in an integrated master’s degree or of the first academic year in the case of master’s students, and that are enrolled in the Dissertation course unit.
- In the contractualization phase, the selected candidates must prove their enrolment in an integrated master’s or master’s degree, in the scientific area of the public notice.
Applicants eligibility: Applicants must comply with the eligibility conditions laid down in article 9 of the Regulation of Scientific Research Fellowships of the University of Minho (RBIC).
Workplan and objectives to be achieved
The selected candidates will develop computer applications that facilitate the development of different phases of fixed network projects. The work plans will be oriented towards the development of the master’s theses in collaboration with the company Proef. The evaluation of the work will be continuous, through periodic meetings for this purpose.
Applicable legislation and regulations: Research Fellowship Holder Statutes, approved by Law no. 40/2004 of August 18, in its current version published by Decree-Law no. 123/2019 of August 28; Regulation of Scientific Research Fellowships of the University of Minho (RBIC), published in “Diário da República”, 2nd series, no. 119, through dispatch no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, ratified by ratification declaration no. 447/2021 of 22-06-2021.
Host/Contracting institution and scientific supervision: The workplan will be carried out in the ALGORITMI Research Group of the School of Engineering of the University of Minho, and the company Proef based in the municipality of Trofa, district of Porto, under the scientific supervision of the Professor Helena Fernández López.
Fellowship duration: The grants will take place for a period of 6 months renewable up to a maximum total duration of 10 months, with a provisional starting date on december 2022.
Amount of the research grant: The value stipend (Monthly Maintenance Allowance) corresponds to 875.98 euros/month, in accordance with the stipends values published by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT I.P.) in the country (Annex I – Monthly Stipends Values for the maintenance allowances of the FCT Regulation for Research Studentships and Fellowships) and Annex II of the Regulation of Scientific Research Fellowships of the University of Minho (RBIC), published in “Diário da República”, 2nd series, no. 119, through dispatch no. 6524/2020 of 22-06-2020, ratified by ratification declaration no. 447/2021 of 22-06-2021.
Payment is made on the 23st of each month, through bank transfer to the Bank Identification Number of the fellow identified in the contractualization process.
Other benefits: Reimbursement of Voluntary Social Security (Social Security contributions), corresponding to the 1st level of discounts and personal accident insurance.
Criteria and procedures for applications assessment and selection
The evaluation of applications will focus on the Candidate’s Merit (MC), applying the following evaluation criteria, valued on a scale from 0 to 20 values:
A: Motivation letter, with a weighting of 10%.
B: Curriculum evaluation, with a weighting of 60%, applying the following:
- Relevance of the Curricular Units (UCs) attended by the candidate for the performance of the tasks to be carried out, with a weighting of 50%. In the case of master’s students, the UCs attended during the master’s and previous degree are considered. In the case of integrated master’s students, all UCs attended are considered.
- Demonstrated knowledge considering works carried out by the candidate inside and outside the academic environment (works developed during internships in a company, computer applications published in online application stores, applications developed by the candidate and published in open access repositories, etc.), with a weighting of 50%.
C: Classification in the course or courses, with a weighting of 30%, applying the following:
- Master’s students: the weighting between the partial classification of the master’s degree and that of the previous degree is applied, being 50% for the master’s degree and 50% for the previous degree.
- Integrated Master’s students: partial classification applies.
21 November 2022, 12:00 – Europe/Athens
For further information: Euraxess
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