With the aim of awakening scientific vocations among young people, the University of Almeria has inaugurated a new edition of this activity in which 41 secondary schools and vocational training centers throughout the province are participating. This year 79 activities will be developed.
From November 7 to 11 the largest event of social communication of science and technology in Spain, the Science Week, will take place. This event aims to bring scientific and technological knowledge to society through the dissemination of research results of the University of Almeria, and is mainly focused on students of 4th ESO, Bachillerato and Vocational Training in the province. Organized by the UAL, through the OTRI (Office for the Transfer of Research Results), its main objective is to achieve a greater social understanding of science and a better appreciation of the impact it has on daily activities and the improvement of people’s quality of life.
The Vice Rector for Research, Diego Valera, explained that 1,805 students are going to participate during this Science Week. “It is a success. Every year we do better. For us it is essential to bring the University closer to society and especially to the youngest. Through this activity they learn more about what is being done in the laboratories of the UAL. Forty-one secondary schools from all over the province of Almeria are participating and we have organized 79 activities during this week that will surely be very successful and will help attract young people to their university”. All the activities have a markedly recreational, informative and didactic character.
The different workshops, talks, games, interactive experiences, etc. that will be developed cover a large and diverse number of scientific branches such as chemistry, mathematics, geology, robotics, biology, psychology or nutrition, so that all students can find an activity of their interest.
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All the faculties of the University of Almeria, the Central Research Services and the Research Centers participate in the Science Week. It also has the collaboration of Fundación Descubre and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The event is sponsored by Cajamar Caja Rural and funded by the Regional Ministry of Knowledge, Research and University.
More information: Full News – UALNEWS
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