EU-backed researchers explore how to transform public transport depots into renewable energy hubs. A new study carried out by an international research team investigates the technical, economic and environmental implications of changing public transport depots to renewable energy hubs. Supported in part by the EU-funded STORM and NAVIGATE projects, the study provides a model that […]
Read MoreEU high-speed rail lines grew to 8 556 km in 2023
In 2023, the EU railway network had 200 947 km of railway lines, with the highest densities being found in and around main cities and other population hubs. The highest railway network density was registered in Czechia, with 123.2 metres of railway lines per km². Other EU countries with high densities included Belgium (119.2 m/km²), Germany (109.5 m/km²) and Luxembourg […]
Read MoreMaritime transport: environmental and sustainability challenges persist.
Europe’s maritime sector is making progress towards greater sustainability but will need to increase its efforts over the coming years to meet EU climate and environment goals aimed at reducing energy use, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions as well as better protecting biodiversity. That is according to the second edition of the European Maritime Transport Environmental […]
Read MoreThe Commission seeks opinions on the future of the European automotive industry
The Commission launched a public consultation yesterday on the future of the European automotive industry. The consultation supports the Strategic Dialogue on the future of the automotive industry in Europe, which began on January 30 under the leadership of President Ursula von der Leyen. At a time when the European automobile and supply industry is […]
Read MoreVon der Leyen launches Automotive Industry Dialogue with Action Plan
The last Thursday, President von der Leyen has convened key European industry leaders, social partners, and stakeholders for the launch of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the European Automotive Industry. This dialogue marks the start of an inclusive and collaborative process aimed at addressing critical challenges facing the sector and ensuring its continued success as a […]
Read MoreLaunch of European Automotive Industry Dialogue on January 30
As announced by President Ursula von der Leyen to the European Parliament on November 27, 2024, the European Commission is launching a Strategic Dialogue with the European automotive industry, social partners and other key stakeholders on 30 January. This initiative underscores the Commission’s commitment to safeguarding the future of a sector vital to European prosperity, while at […]
Read MoreEU introduces flight emissions label to promote more sustainable travel
The Commission today adopted a Regulation introducing a Flight Emissions Label (“FEL”) to clearly and reliably calculate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from flights. Airlines operating flights within the EU or from the EU will be able to voluntarily adhere to this label, which will be fully operational from July 2025. From next summer, passengers will […]
Read MoreMaritime safety: Council adopts new laws to support safe, clean and modern shipping in the EU
To support clean, safer, and modern shipping in the EU, today the Council adopted four new pieces of legislation of the so-called ‘maritime safety’ legislative package, namely those amending the relevant directives on: the investigation of accidents in the maritime transport sector, ship-source pollution, compliance with flag state requirements, and port state control. The revised ‘package’ […]
Read MoreEU imposes duties on unfairly subsidised electric vehicles from China
Today the European Commission concluded its anti-subsidy investigation by imposing definitive countervailing duties on imports of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from China for a period of five years. As previously disclosed, the investigation found that the BEV value chain in China benefits from unfair subsidization which is causing threat of economic injury to EU producers of BEVs. As […]
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