Mental health problems affect about 84 million people across the EU. This is more than one in every six citizens. The total costs of mental ill-health are estimated at more than 4% of GDP (more than EUR 600 billion) across the 27 EU Member States. Out of this, EUR 190 billion reflects direct spending on […]
Read MorePublic procurement of innovative solutions (PPI) for diagnostics for infectious diseases
Implementation of timely and correct diagnostics for infectious diseases (ID) that will speed up the identification of the causative infectious disease pathogens, possible drug resistances and drug susceptibility is crucial for tailoring the antimicrobial treatment, thus ensuring appropriate antimicrobial drug use. Scope This topic will contribute to the EU One Health Action Plan on Antimicrobial […]
Read MoreH2020. Virtual Centre
In today’s situation Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) usually host a monolithic ATM system in each Air Traffic System Unit (ATSU) with very few information services and infrastructure elements being shared between the different centres. In the virtual centre approach, the controller working positions are decoupled and may even be geographically separated from the ATM […]
Read More3rd EU Health Programme: Initiatives on medical deserts
This call is frame 3rd EU Health Programme in the project Support to reforms in health workforce field. The European health workforce is facing major challenges due to an ageing population, a higher demand of new primary care models and better-integrated and more patient-centred care, and rise of chronic diseases, in a broader context of persistent […]
Read MoreSocial Economy Missions
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) play a crucial role in reaching the objectives of the SME Strategy for sustainable and digital Europe. Whereas they are considered as crucial engines for growth and job creation, their competitiveness is affected by a limited exploitation of international opportunities and innovation prospects in the Single Market and beyond. In […]
Read MoreMSCA IF 2020 Individual Fellowships Webinar – Tuesday 28 April
The aim of the Individual Fellowships (IF) is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers through individual projects. The aim is to promote international and intersectoral mobility in universities, research centres, research infrastructures, companies, SMEs and other socio-economic groups throughout Europe and beyond. MSCA IF 2020 The MSCA IF 2020 call with […]
Read MoreEACEA: Network of Towns
This call of proposals is framed in the Europe For Citizens Programme. Municipalities and associations working together on a common theme in a long-term perspective may wish to develop networks of towns to make their cooperation more sustainable. Networking between municipalities on issues of common interest appears to be an important means for enabling the […]
Read MoreH2020: Pan-European networks of practitioners and other actors in the field of security
This call of proposal is framed in the work programme Secure societies – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens that belongs to the H2020 programme. In Europe, practitioners interested in the uptake of security research and innovation are dedicated to performing their duty and are focused on their tasks. In general, however, […]
Read MoreEIC Horizon Prize for ‘European Low-Cost Space Launch’
The challenge of this call is to develop a European technologically non-dependent solution for launching light satellites into Low-Earth Orbit (LEO), which will enable dedicated low-cost launches with committed schedule and orbit. The solution needs to be innovative, implementable, affordable in development and exploitation phases, and commercially viable. Applicants are required to take a holistic approach […]
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