The new Security and Defence Bulletin No. 6 is now available!
This bulletin summarises all the European Union’s activity in the field of R+I over the last months. The bulletin is structured into News; Statistics; Publications; and finally Magazines and Media Collection.
In this edition, we can highlight news such as New tools for investigating and stopping cybercrimes; New EDA Report on Defence Expenditure and Third Annual Conference on Drugs in Europe.
Below, you can consult various statistics on the subject, among which we highlight: Fewer cars stolen in most Member States and Robberies in the EU down by 24% between 2011 and 2017
Finally, in the section of Magazines and Media Library you can enjoy audiovisual material, such as EDA Annual Conference 2019: Michel Barnier speech or periodical publications related to Security and Defence, such as Revista española de defensa. December 2019.
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