President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen received today the final report of the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture, handed over by the group’s chair, Professor Peter Strohschneider. Entitled “A shared prospect for farming and food in Europe”, the report presents an assessment of challenges and opportunities, followed by a set of recommendations. These suggestions will guide the work of the European Commission when shaping its Vision for Agriculture and Food, to be delivered in the first 100 days of President von der Leyen’s second mandate.
The Commission welcomes the important work done by the 29 members of the Strategic Dialogue since its launch by President von der Leyen in January 2024, and the constructive engagement they have shown throughout the entire process, in order to finalise – and unanimously endorse – the final report. Today’s outcome shows that consensus can be built among key interests from across the whole agri-food chain, even in times of polarisation around the public debate on agri-food issues.
Maintaining this approach, by continuing to foster dialogue and mutual trust between different points of view can help to deliver lasting solutions for competitive, resilient, diverse and sustainable agri-food systems in the EU. The Commission will therefore closely assess the report’s recommendations to establish a new platform gathering actors from across the agri-food sector, civil society and the world of science to keep reflecting on strategies to make agri-food systems more sustainable and resilient.
The Dialogue’s report considers that food and agricultural production are an essential part of European society and security, and that the diversity of European food and farming is an important asset. There is consensus among members of the Strategic Dialogue that economic, environmental and social sustainability in the agri-food sector can reinforce each other, especially when supported by coherent policy measures. The role of markets, dietary habits and innovation to drive sustainability is also pointed out.
The recommendations detailed in the report are structured in five pillars:
- Working together for a sustainable, resilient and competitive future: this part addresses the need to adapt the CAP in the context of the ongoing transition towards more sustainable and competitive food systems, the importance of strengthening of farmers’ position in the food value chain, access to finance, and the role of trade and international standards.
- Advancing towards sustainable agri-food systems: the recommendations under this heading dive into the support and promotion of sustainable farming practices, including for livestock farming, and advocate for increased awareness about animal welfare and empowerment of consumers to choose sustainable and balanced diets.
- Promoting transformative resilience: in the face of growing environmental, climate, geopolitical and economic risks, the report outlines the need to strengthen risk management tools and crisis management as well as to better preserve and manage farmland, promote water-resilient agriculture, and develop innovative plant breeding approaches.
- Building an attractive and diverse sector: the importance of generational renewal and gender equality as well as vibrant rural areas and agri-food systems is detailed in this section, including the need to protect workers.
- Better access to and use of knowledge and innovation: the recommendations conclude that access to knowledge and skills must be facilitated, and that digitalisation is an opportunity.
The report produced by the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture is addressed to the European Commission, the European Parliament, Member States and stakeholders.
Announced by President von der Leyen in her State of the Union address in September 2023 and launched in January 2024, the Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture brought together 29 major stakeholders from the European agri-food sectors, civil society, rural communities and academia to reach a common understanding and vision for the future of EU’s farming and food systems.
The Dialogue’s mandate was to reflect on four questions:
- How can we give our farmers, and the rural communities they live in, a better perspective, including a fair standard of living?
- How can we support agriculture within the boundaries of our planet and its ecosystem?
- How can we make better use of the immense opportunities offered by knowledge and technological innovation?
- How can we promote a bright and thriving future for Europe’s food system in a competitive world?
Following this structure, different working groups set up to take the work forward. From January to August 2024, seven plenary meetings were also organised for all members of the Strategic Dialogue, with President von der Leyen participating in three. In addition, the group’s chair, Professor Strohschneider, requested input from EU-wide organisations active all along the food supply chain. He also met with ministers of agriculture of Member States, the full College of EU Commissioners, Members of the European Parliament, and representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
Souce: European Comission
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