This call, which aims to tackle unemployment by promoting the social economy as a key element for a sustainable European economic system (COS-SEM-2019-04-03), is part of the Programme for the Competitiveness of SMEs of the COSME 2019 Programme.
Regional and local unemployment requires special measures to be addressed successfully. Job offers need to adequately respond to the local needs, eliminate evasion of the local workforce and at the same time contribute to regional/local sustainable economic growth.
“Tackling Regional/Local Unemployment via the Social Economy Mission” will bring together a county accompanied by social economy stakeholders experienced in the field on one side and those counties accompanied by social economy stakeholders interested in the topic. The Mission will enable presentation and interrogation of the success story in more details, to identify challenges and to understand existing practices in other partner counties. It will provide a platform for exchange of views on more developed future collaboration in the field.
The general objective of this call for proposals is to support a network of EU regional and local authorities with similar priorities/topics and experts in the field and via inter-regional collaboration contribute to gradual setting up of a permanent community of practice in the field of social economy as the key component of a sustainable European economic system.
The specific objectives to be achieved through this call for proposals are the following:
- Enhancing inter-regional interaction between social economy stakeholders (public and private sector) in the field of social economy missions’ priorities/topics;
- Improving collaboration between existing social economy networks at regional and local level in the field of social economy missions’ priorities/topics;
- Learning from counties more advanced in the social economy mission priority/topics;
- Preparing the ground for future structured collaboration in the field of social economy missions’ priorities/topics (future joint inter-regional projects under the new EU programming period 2021-2027);
- Preparing the ground for future collaboration with the European Commission in the field of the social economy missions’ priorities/topics;
- Preparing the ground for possible replication of functional model applied in the consortium leader’s/coordinator’s county;
- Contributing to a gradual Social Economy community building.
26th of September, 2019
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