The 55 ERC project beneficiaries who have been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant call 2020 – first cut have been announced and will receive around 8,250,000. Of these, 5 projects will go to Spanish centres, where 5 researchers will be able to explore the marketing and social potential of their research results. Spain […]
Read MoreNew R&T project to improve resilience of cold weather operations
EDA’s Steering Board has green-lit the launch of a new research project aimed at studying ways and means of improving the operational outfit and equipment of Armed Forces operating in extreme cold and icy weather conditions. Military missions and operations in cold climate are particularly challenging as they demand from the troops a great deal […]
Read More#EUvsVirus hackathon: rise to over 2.000 pioneering solutions to fight the outbreak
Over 20,900 participants from across the EU and beyond joined the #EUvsVirus Hackathon led by the European Innovation Council this weekend to offer their time, talent and business ideas to help support Europe’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic. Over 2,150 solutions were submitted in areas including health and life (898), business continuity (381), remote working and education (270), […]
Read MoreDelivering animal vaccines and antibodies to protect humans from diseases like COVID-19
How can scientists respond to infectious diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans? A European initiative has the answers. Zoonoses – diseases that can spread between animals and humans, like avian influenza, rabies and severe acute respiratory syndrome – comprise a large percentage of all newly identified infectious diseases. As they represent a persistent […]
Read MoreCatching up with ColRobot: a ready-to-use robotic device for industry
ColRobot is an EU-funded project that had been working to revolutionise the use of collaborative industrial robots, specifically designed for use on production lines. For 3 years, ColRobot (Collaborative Robotics for Assembly and Kitting in Smart Manufacturing) worked on the development of collaborative robotics to help overcome some of the biggest common challenges in the […]
Read MoreCuidados con Compasión: A tool for heatlh professionals to face COVID-19
“Cuidados con Compasión” is a web environment aimed at health professionals that emerged as a result of a research project, funded by the Regional Goverment of Andalucía, Health and Families Department “Burnout and Compassionate Fatigue in Nursing Professionals in the Andalusian Public Health System” (AP-0100-2016). This project is led by the principal researcher and professor […]
Read MoreExtension of deadline calls due to Covid-19
Due to the Covid-19 crisis, deadlines for some calls are extended to give more time for applicants to prepare their proposals. This concerns the following calls: PRIMA Call The new closing dates of the call are: + info o Section 1: until 6 May 2020. o Section 2: until 13 May 2020. H2020 Call Deadline extended to: […]
Read MoreInternational Day of Human Space Flight: The challenges of long-term space travel
The International Day of Human Space Flight is an opportunity to celebrate our exploration of space, marking the day Yuri Gagarin orbited the Earth and became the first human in space. Since then, progress has been made: we have been to the Moon, built an orbital laboratory, the International Space Station (ISS), and sent probes […]
Read MoreMedical sensors boost response to Italy’s COVID-19 crisis
An ERDF-funded project is helping to tackle the COVID-19 crisis in Italy. New sensors created by the project allow healthcare staff to monitor patients suffering from the disease at a distance. MEDIWARN Project The biosensors, created by the MEDIWARN project, can monitor a patient’s vital signs such as heartbeat, respiratory rate, blood pressure and body […]
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