Cultura y Educación

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Fourth JIT evaluation report February 2023

Este es el Cuarto Informe de Evaluación de Equipos Conjuntos de Investigación (ECI) publicado por la Secretaría de la Red de Expertos Nacionales en Equipos Conjuntos de Investigación desde 2014.

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How to get the most out of EU information. EU information and data in all official EU languages (Disponible en Español)

The Publications Office of the European Union provides the EU institutions with publishing and open data management services. The Publications Office is your central access point to EU law and case-law, procurement notices, publications, apps, open data, research results, official contact information and much more. Our mission is to support EU policymaking and to ensure that EU information and data are available, accessible and reusable for citizens, businesses and public administrations all over the EU and beyond. As a centre of excellence for data, information and knowledge management, making known to the public what the EU does and providing them with the means to unlock the power of data, we seek to contribute to transparency and democracy, to our economies and societies and to the dissemination of knowledge and Europe’s digital transformation. With this brochure, we want to help you to make the most of the wealth of publications, data and information the Publications Office has on offer, relating to EU law, business opportunities, EU policies, research results and much more. Read on, and discover what we have on offer for you!

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European drought risk atlas

En los últimos años, las sequías han tenido importantes repercusiones en casi todas las regiones de la UE, afectando a varios sistemas críticos como la agricultura, el abastecimiento de agua, la energía, el transporte fluvial y los ecosistemas. Se prevé que estos impactos aumenten aún más debido al cambio climático.

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