Launched by the International Transport Forum, the Young Researcher of the Year Award encourages and rewards creative reflection and analysis from young researchers. It also aims at highlighting the importance of transport research for sound transport policy formulation and implementation, and to foster closer links between transport policy and research.
Who can apply
The Award is open to researchers under 35 years of age (at the time of closing of applications) who have undertaken their research in an institution, university or consultancy firm located in a member country of the International Transport Forum.
They will have to submit an original paper, which has made an outstanding contribution to transport research under the theme: “Transport for Inclusive Societies”.
The researchers must be the main authors of their paper.
The research paper may analyse any aspect related to transport innovation for sustainable development, such as, but not limited to, innovation with regards to new mobility services, vehicle technologies, transport infrastructure provision, transport planning approaches, their impact on the economy or society, or the required instutional or regulatory frameworks to foster innovation in transport.
The work can be quantitative or qualitative and come from any of the academic fields linked to transport and should be relevant to policy making.
Papers should not exceed 25 pages (single spacing), excluding references and annexes and should be written in English.
Papers published in 2021 or 2022, as well as unpublished papers, are welcome.
How to apply
Candidates should send their application form, including a brief summary of the paper in English (maximum 200 words).
The best author will be awarded a prize of EUR 5 000 and will also be invited to attend the award ceremony taking place in Leipzig, Germany, during the International Transport Forum from 18 to 22 May 2022.
6 March 2022.
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