The Regional Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and the Interior, aware of the usefulness for Andalusian university women and men to acquire experience in areas of their competence in order to favour their incorporation into the labour market, promotes specialised training in matters related to the European Union and the Andalusian Communities abroad through the announcement of grants for the development of training and research activities in the General Secretariat for External Action, in Seville, and in the Delegation of the Andalusian Regional Government, in Brussels.
This call is made in accordance with the Order of 8 November 2013, which establishes the regulatory bases for the award, in competitive competition, of grants for training and research in matters related to the European Union and Andalusia Communities Abroad.
A total of ten scholarships will be awarded, distributed as follows:
1.- Scholarships for training and research in subjects related to the European Union:
(a) Management centre: General Secretariat for External Action of the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and the Interior, in Seville:
- Number of grants: 5
- Duration: 12 months
- Gross amount of each scholarship: 12.844,00 Euros
(b) Management centre: Delegation of ‘Junta de Andalucía’ in Brussels
- Number of scholarships: 3
- Duration: 12 months
- Gross amount of each scholarship: 16.937,00 Euros
2.- Scholarships for training and research in subjects related to the ANDALUSIAN COMMUNITIES abroad.
(c) Management centre: General Secretariat for External Action of the Ministry of the Presidency, Public Administration and Home Affairs, in Seville:
- Number of scholarships: 2
- Duration: 12 months
- Gross amount of each scholarship: 12.844,00 Euros
Individuals who, on the closing date for the submission of applications, meet the following requirements may apply for the scholarships:
1.- General requirements:
- Spanish nationality or nationality of a Member State of the European Union and being a resident or born in any of the municipalities of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (including the cases provided for in Article 5.2 of the Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia).
- Not having received the sanction of separation from service from any of the Public Administrations by means of disciplinary proceedings.
- Not be over 35 years of age.
2.- Minimum qualification and specific training requirements:
For each type of scholarship, the minimum degree requirements are as follows:
- Official university degree (Bachelor, Degree, Official Master or Doctorate).
- Specific training: It will be accredited by one of the following cases:
- University degree related to the subject of the scholarship, which, where appropriate, may coincide with the degree claimed as a qualification requirement.
- Course of minimum duration of 40 hours on the subject of the scholarship
- Internships of at least one month on the subject of the scholarship
- Subjects of the degree program claimed as a requirement for a degree, related to the subject of the scholarship.
- Languages:
- For grants to be awarded by the General Secretariat for External Action in Seville: One language, English or French, from Intermediate level or equivalent to B2.
- For grants to be awarded at the Delegation of the Andalusian Government in Brussels: Two languages, English and French, from Intermediate level or equivalent to B2.
On 1 June 2020, the deadline for submission of applications for the call for Training Grants on the European Union and Andalusian Communities Abroad for 2020-2021 resumes.
- Start of the resumption of the deadline: 1 June 2020
- Deadline: 16 June 2020
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