Special Information Bulletin Covid-19 No. 2 is now available!
After the declaration of the health alarm by COVID-19, the European Documentation Centre in Almeria has focused much of its activity on making available the most relevant information on this topic. On this occasion, we are publishing the number 2 issue of this special bulletin, which covers a large part of our informative activity throughout the months of April and May.
The bulletin is structured in Interviews, News; Projects and Initiatives Covid-19 ; Projects and Calls; Statistics and Infographics; Recommended Bibliography and finally Media Collection.
In this special edition, we highlight the section of interviews conducted by our Director, Ana Fe Gil Serra, with Amós García Hueso, Director General of Andalusians Abroad of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and with Colonel Juan Manuel Garrido-Arroquia y Noves, Head of the Lessons Learned Section of the Spanish Army, as part of the MADOC (Doctrine Command).
The news section has been divided into the following sections: Economy and Employment, Deconfinement, Health, Research, Education and Cooperation. In these sections you will find news that have had a great impact and of which we highlight those dedicated to the agendas of the agencies and institutions of the EU: EUROPEAN AGENDA: Internal Market & Industry; EUROPEAN AGENDA: Education and Culture.
The section Projects and Initiatives Covid 19 includes projects such as “La UAL se mueve”, Actions against the COVID-19 led by the research groups of the Vice-rectorate of Research and Innovation of the University of Almeria; Measures and initiatives against the Covid-19 of the Cajamar Corporate Group; Solidarity Initiatives of the ICT-221 research group of the University of Almeria, with Consolación Gil as the main researcher; Study of opinion on the impact of the COVID-19 of the Tourism research group of Marketing and Strategy: Research and Innovation – SEJ254 of the University of Almeria and Impact of confinement in families of the research group Health CTS-280 of the University of Almeria / InPaula with Pilar Flores in charge.
In this bulletin, you can also consult various calls related to health, among which we highlight Scientific researcher COVID-19 project in Ghent University: Data Analysis and Mathematical Modelling and ERC Advanced Grant.
This bulletin also includes statistical information regarding the evolution of the pandemic in Europe and the rest of the continents during the month of May.
The Recommended Bibliography section provides a compilation of the latest publications produced mainly by European agencies and the WHO on topics such as: European Agendas, Economic Affairs, Global Confinement, Medical Research, Transport.
Finally, in the Media Collection section you will find the latest audiovisual material, produced by different European institutions and agencies.
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