INESC TEC is accepting applications to award 2 Scientific Research grants in the field of electrical engineering.
Duties of the position
The appointee will be expected to prepare a review of the state of the art on the use of sensors for complex robotic systems in the area of maritime robotics; contribute to the processing of data collected by sensors or sensor networks for autonomous vehicles by producing appropriate hardware and software; carry out a project course unit in the area of robotic systems; write the scholarship activity report; expand knowledge of the state of the art in the specific scientific area of scholarship; identify and select appropriate methods for the study in question; develop research capacity through the application of selected methods and exercise a critical spirit in evaluating the research process and the results obtained.
Required selection criteria
Applicants should possess a Master’s student in Electrical Engineering or related field, experience in programming in C and C++ and experience in Linux and ROS 1 and 2 environments. They must be undertaking a master’s degree in the area of robotics and autonomous systems. Knowledge of mobile robotics, knowledge of electronics design; ease of using Matlab and Python in the scientific field; fluency in English (written and spoken); good communication, planning, time management and risk management skills and experience in writing technical and scientific reports will be a plus.
The selected candidate will be offered a monthly maintenance stipend of 601,12 EUR with potential supplements, according to a quarterly evaluation process up to a maximum limit of 50% of the monthly maintenance stipend and health insurance.
Organisation/Company – INESC TEC
Research Field –
Researcher Profile –
Country – Portugal
Application Deadline – 14 June 2024
More information: EURAXESS
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