Offer description
Under the terms of articles 3, 5, 10b, 15, 15a, 17 and 29b of the Statute of the Higher Polytechnic Education Teaching Staff Career (ECPDESP), sanctioned by Decree-Law no. 185/81, of July 1, as amended by Decree-Law no. 207/2009, of August 31 (which reissued them), and by Law no. 7/2010, of May 13, 2010, combined with Dispatch no. 1979/2010, published in the Diário da República, series II, no. 19, of January 28, as amended by Declaration of Rectification no. 244/2010, published in the Diário da República, series II, no. 26, of February 8, 2010, which approved the amendment of the Decree-Law no. 185/81, of July 1, 1981, as amended by Decree-Law no. 207/2009, of August 31, 2009, which reissued them. 26 of 08 February, which approved the Regulations for the Hiring of Teaching Staff of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon (IPL), it is hereby communicated that, by dispatch of the President of the IPL of 21 May 2021, in the exercise of his powers under Article 92, paragraph 1, letter d), of Law no. 62/2007, of 10 September, and Article 26, paragraph 1, letter d), of Normative Dispatch no. 20/2009, of 13 May, published in the Diário da República, series II, no. 98, of 21 May, a selection procedure is opened, for 30 working days from the date of publication of this public notice in the Diário da República, for an Assistant Professor to fill a vacancy in the teaching staff of the Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa in the area of Electronics.
- Participation in research and innovation projects (the information provided should make it possible to assess the degree of participation and responsibility of the applicant, the amounts of funding, the team and duration of the projects, the results obtained and their impact on society);
- Participation in/organization of meetings, seminars and other events of a similar nature (the information provided should make it possible to assess the type of participation and responsibility of the applicant);
- Participation in/performance of technical, dissemination and didactic work (the information provided should make it possible to assess the skills involved, the responsibility of the applicant and the quality of the work performed).
Wage: 3037,22€
Requirements/ Skills
Possess a doctorate or a specialization in the subject in question.
Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon
Portugal > Lisbon
Research field
28th December 2021
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