Trespass (TRaining in Secure and PrivAcy-preserving biometricS) is an Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the EU through the Horizon 2020 Framework (2020-2023). TreSPasS is a collaboration between 7 research institutions, including KU Leuven, and industrial partner organisations with a focus on the delivery of privacy preservation through effective design of privacy-enhancing technologies for the protection of biometric data. The project investigates security protection, including generalised presentation attack detection capabilities, and will deploy these new technologies to commercial-grade systems in full compliance with the European GDPR legislation.
The overall objectives of TreSPasS are:
- To train 14 creative, entrepreneurial, and innovative researchers as privacy protection experts.
- To contribute to a full understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of the needs and advantages of privacy preserving biometrics.
- To contribute to the development of solutions that address this important societal challenge.
- Attractive 2-year full-time employment contract in accordance with the Marie S. Curie Innovative Training Networks regulations for Early Stage Researchers (ESR) of the European Commission – continuation after the first year is dependent upon a positive evaluation. This 2 year contract is shorter than the usual 3 year contracts.
- Enrolment in a PhD program whereby the PhD tuition fee is paid by the project.
- Supervision by recognized experts and access to (beyond) state-of-the-art research and pilot-scale infrastructure.
- Training in complementary skills via participation at local and network-based events.
- Terms of appointment and payment according to the rules and regulations laid down by European Union’s Horizon 2020 Marie S. Curie Innovative Training Networks and regulations followed by the host institution for a 2 year full-time contract.
- All beneficiaries will be full-time employed at their (host) institution. The researchers are expected to conduct secondments at other network partners and countries, as planned by the main host.
KU Leuven
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