The mission of the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) as a nationally and internationally active research institute is to deliver solutions for an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable agriculture – together with society.
The EU H2020 research and innovation project AGROMIX, aims to unlock the full potential of synergies and resilience in Mixed Farming and AgroForestry systems (MF/AF) and to develop and promote value chains and infrastructure for MF/AF produce. AGROMIX will develop toolkits to support co-design and manage MF/AF systems in practice, identify and model transition scenarios and develop policy recommendations and action plans for a successful transition. The project is coordinated by the University Coventry with ZALF to lead the cross-regional model based scenario evaluation.
- Data collection on farm structures and production systems in the case study regions.
- Adapt and apply a farm model for typical farms of the case study regions to assess the competitiveness of Mixed and Agroforestry based systems.
- Develop policy scenarios and examine these scenarios by the bio-economic modelling approach.
- Integrate economic and ecosystem service assessments to analyze policy options supporting MF/AF systems.
- Presentation and discussion of results within policy workshops.
- Publication of results in scientific journals.
- MSc (or close to be finished) in agricultural economics (or similar qualifications)
- Very good communication skills (incl. English)
- A high capability in self-management & very good teamwork skills
- Willingness to travel within the EU
- Experience in farm level surveys, data management and economic modelling tools
- Experience in scientific writing
- A collegial & open-minded working atmosphere in the working group Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services
- Membership in ZALF’s and universities graduate programs and opportunity for a doctorate
- Scientific and personal exchange with project partners
- Participation in national & international conferences
- Family-orientated work (flexible working hours and mobile work)
- Salary according to the collective agreement of the federal states (TV-L) EG13 with up to 70% weekly working time
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