Mission description
Under the direct supervision of the Head of Sector/Head of Unit, the job holder will be responsible for the implementation of actions financed by the LIFE Clean Energy Transition Subprogram (LIFE –CET) and the legacy of the energy efficiency part of the Horizon 2020 energy challenge, including the management of all the stages in the lifetime of projects in collaboration with other services in the CINEA and in liaison with the partner Directorates-General.
Candidates need to specify in their application, which of the following profile(s) they are applying for:
1. Building Renovation, Building Smartness and Services, Heating and cooling
2. Industry/Businesses and Products
3. Public authorities and Consumers
4. Mobilising Sustainable Energy Investment and Energy Efficiency Finance.
Candidates must indicate in their application which one of these four areas they are most experienced in. In case they wish to apply for more than one profile, they must indicate a preference order in their motivation letter and they must indicate specific arguments for each profile.
The project adviser will be responsible for a portfolio of projects. The project adviser will work autonomously under the authority of a Head of Sector and overall supervision of the Head of Unit. The project manager will also collaborate fully with a wider team of colleagues in the Agency and the European Commission.
The project adviser will perform tasks related to all stages of the project management cycle, from the evaluation of proposals, the preparation of grant agreements, the monitoring of projects, the assessment of technical and financial reports and reporting the feedback to policy-makers in the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals.
Main tasks:
• Launch, promote, monitor and manage calls for proposals, calls for tenders, ad hoc grants, etc. related to the programme.
• Prepare the evaluation phase of the call, participate in the design of evaluation process and manage evaluation panels and analyse/present evaluation results.
• Conduct the grant agreement preparation with project coordinators and ensure the technical and financial consistency of the projects to be funded.
• Prepare, launch, manage public procurements with the CINEA Procurement team for service contracts and/or evaluation of the programme
• Monitor the implementation of projects and service contracts, in particular the performance of project coordinators and beneficiaries and the fulfilment of contractual obligations by means of periodic reviews and assessment of project reports.
• Assess project reports and control the eligibility of the expenditures, their regularity and their adequacy with the contractual provisions.
• Act as the principal interlocutor of the beneficiaries or contractors during the implementation of the grant agreement or contract, in close liaison with financial officers.
• Participate in project meetings and possible monitoring visits.
Salary range
35-50 k€
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