The researcher shall analyze the effects of the investment and, more broadly, of the presence of Chinese actors in Laotian cities. Her/his main activities shall be the following :
1. Collect documentation : grey literature (official and scientific documents), databases, academic papers, experts’ reports;
2. Design and implement a survey methodology involving surveys, interviews with relevant stakeholders (institutional actors, traders and businessmen, investors, developers, etc…) and an appropriate framework for the analysis of data.
3. Carry out fieldwork analyses (observations, interviews, mapping) and regularly reporting on the progress of the research activities.
4. Participate to the critical analysis of the research results, to publications and scientific events.
Eligibility criteria
1. Good knowledge of the challenges associated to the rise of China in Southeast Asia.
2. Good knowledge of the Laotian context
3. Laotian language skills
3. Significant experience in fieldwork analyses, data analysis and publication.
4. Great autonomy in her/his work, capacity to gain access to the fieldwork.
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