First introduced in 2016, the European Alliance for Apprenticeships Awards (EAfA Awards) aim at recognising achievements of companies, committed under the European Alliance for Apprenticeships, as well as their apprentices, for outstanding achievements in promoting apprenticeships. Apprenticeships can provide excellent opportunities for young people to bridge the transition from school to work while contributing to a better skills match for employers.
The aim of this call is to identify candidates and showcase outstanding achievements in two categories:
1. Companies: Big Enterprises, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, being or representing an EAfA member;
2. Apprentices, current or recent apprentices of companies under the EAfA.
Eligible companies/apprentices
– In the sub-category ‘Big Enterprises’ the proposed companies must be members of the EAfA (the Alliance is open to all EU, EFTA and candidate countries, and stakeholders from these countries).
– In the case of SMEs, either
- the company itself is a member of EAfA, or
- its umbrella organisation (e.g. chamber of which the company is a member of) is a member of EAfA; or
- the nominator is representing an EAfA member.
(e.g. chambers, professional bodies, social partner organisations) to propose their member SMEs, in view of them joining the EAfA;
– have an excellent quality of their apprenticeships which is supported by a systematic quality assurance system, resulting in well-trained and satisfied apprentices;
– have increased their numbers of apprentices significantly in recent years;
– have committed or intend to apply the learning and working conditions set out in the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships (EFQEA);
– have managed to improve the image of apprenticeships in the geographic area or sector they operate in;
– have managed to establish a close and well-functioning cooperation with the world of education and training;
– have successfully initiated or developed mobility schemes for apprentices;
– have made efforts to increase inclusiveness in apprenticeships, in particular through support for disabled learners;
– regarding big companies, have a positive track record related to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
2. Apprentices must:
– be current or recent apprentices (graduated within two years) of companies under the EAfA;
– have contributed substantially in developing a product, service or process, etc;
– have taken up tasks that apprentices don’t normally have;
– have been able to improve the image of apprenticeships in an outstanding manner;
– have brought in useful and innovative experiences after a training period (mobility) in a company or a vocational school abroad.
How to enter
Anyone with an interest in apprenticeships can recommend candidates in any of these two categories here by 15th June 2019.
The nominees will be invited to participate in the award nominees’ celebration event on 17th October 2019 in Helsinki as part of the 4th European Vocational Skills Week.
For more information
For further support please contact the EAfA Team:
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