On Wednesday, the ‘Promotion of culture in values: Creative Europe and Film Classroom’ will be held in the Sala de Grados of the Paraninfo. The aim is to promote innovation among students and professionals in the cultural and educational sector.
Next Wednesday, the 23rd of November, the Conference ‘Promotion of culture in values: Creative Europe and Film Classroom’, organized by the European Documentation Center in collaboration with the Educational Development and Vocational Training Delegation and University, Research and Innovation of the Junta de Andalucía and the Faculties of Education and Humanities will be held in the Sala de Grados of the Paraninfo of the University of Almeria.
Jornadas “Promoción de la cultura en valores: Europa Creativa y Aula de Cine” |
“These conferences are developed within the framework of the activities carried out by the University of Almeria and the European Documentation Center aimed to promote innovation among students and professionals in the cultural and educational sectors. They will be held in person and broadcast via streaming. This event will be attended by Augusto Paramio, a technician from the General Subdirectorate for Cultural Cooperation with the Autonomous Communities, who will present the ‘Creative Europe’ program and other related programs and calls such as ‘European Heritage Label’, ‘Culture moves Europe’ and the CERV program (Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values)”, explained Ana Fe Gil, director of the European Documentation Center of Almeria.
Creative Europe is the European Union’s flagship program for the period 2021-2027, aimed at boosting and strengthening the cultural and creative sectors. Its purpose is to use the power of culture and cultural diversity to promote social cohesion and social welfare, fostering the cross-border dimension of the cultural and creative sectors. This enhances their capacity for growth and for fostering the development of creativity based on culture, education and innovation. In addition to contributing to employment, growth and the strengthening of international cultural relations.
The delegation of Educational Development, Vocational Training and University, organizes the Andalusian educational program ‘Aula de Cine’. “We know that today most of the messages we receive are audiovisual and especially young people are those who receive these messages. With this activity we try that, apart from receiving training in aspects such as audiovisual literacy or video creation, students have the opportunity to discover cinema from another point of view. We want them to be critical of what they see and hear and form their own criteria to decipher if there is manipulation in the information they receive. They will also be taught different types of filmography to be able to make their own audiovisual works,” said the delegate, Francisco Alonso.
The conference will have a pedagogical coordination team formed by Marisa Lafuente Porcuna and Conrado Gandía Penadés, members of the group The Pulpi Post, who will present the program ‘Aula de Cine’, as well as various activities carried out in our province by this educational group. Both have received numerous national and international awards for their audiovisual works.
The dean of the Faculty of Education of the UAL, Isabel Mercader, has indicated that the Faculty she represents has to be present in this type of conference “because it is not only necessary the formal and formal training that we provide from the Faculty, but we have to work for educational innovation, for learning in values and such initiatives are necessary. We believe that we must give our students an integral and global education. And with this type of initiatives what we do is to support them and open new doors to their professional future”.
Finally, Rafael Quirosa, dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the UAL, pointed out the importance of this type of activities. “These conferences highlight fundamental values, not only in the educational field but also in the civic field, with a program that brings together the efforts of the European Union to stimulate educational innovation, to highlight training processes and to promote creation.”
Source: UAL News – Press release
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