This document collects and analyzes data on the evolution of COVID-19, collected by Johns Hopkins University and published daily by the European Documentation Center of Almería during the months of May, June and July 2020.
COVID-19: America Overview
Evolution of confirmed cases in America
America recorded a total number of confirmed cases of 2.259.925 at the end of May. Thus, this number increases within July reaching 5.208.692 total of confirmed cases which means a 130.48% regarding the number of the previous month. Last but not least, the number of cases grew reaching 9.150.094 people with COVID-19.
Evolution of deaths cases in America
The number of passing was 152.425 during May which represents 6.74% out of the total confirmed cases until this day. Within the next month, this figure increased reaching 248.391 (62,95% more than in the previous month). The numbers in July show 351.003 deaths within this month which represents an increase of 41.31%.
Evolution of recovers in America
796.592 was the number of recovers from COVID-19 in within May which means that 32.35% of the confirmed cases recovered from COVID-19. In the next month, the figure significantly increased reaching 2.254.943, it is 183% more than in the previous month. Likewise, the number of recovers within July was 4.754.486 (110% more than June).
Most affected American Countries by COVID-19
The most affected countries by this pandemic within this quarterly were the United States of America that had 4.427.493 confirmed cases (48.93% of the total in the continente). USA is followed by Brazil that registered 27.89% out of the total confirmed cases (2.552.265). Thus, Mexico is placed in the third position having 408.449 confirmed cases through this quarterly that represents 4.46% of the total confirmed cases.
The data shows a different pattern when we we take a look and analyze the data of cases per 100.000 inhabitants. Thus, Chile or Panama are placed in the first two positions of the ranking having 1.808,08 cases per 100.000 inhabitants and 1.543,15 cases per 100.000 inhabitants each one. What’s more, these countries are followed by the United States (1.352,52), Brazil (1.207,43) y Peru (1.094,76).
Most passings in America by COVID-19
The countries that had a higher rate of passings in July are USA (150.716) holding 42.94% of the total deaths in the continente, followe by Brazil (90.134) with 25.68% and Mexico (45.361) with 12.92%.
The countries with a lower number of deaths are Saint Lucia (0), Antigua and Barbuda (3) and Trinidad and Tobago (8).
The first positions in this matter if we cosinder the data per 100.000 inhabitants is different being Peru the first country (51,41), followed by Chile (49,61) and USA (46,04).
The countries with a lower number of deaths per 100.000 inhabitants are Saint Lucia(0), Jamaica (0.34) and Venezuela (0.53).
Quarterly evolution of COVID-19 in the most affected countries
United States of America
USA recorded 1.669.933 confirmed cases at the end of May, being the most affected country in America. Thus, the position in the ranking would not vary within the next month as the country recorded 2.590.582 and 4.427.493 confirmed cases in July. The evolution of the data since may until July shows an increase of 165.13%.
USA recorded 100.422 passings by COVID-19 within May and followed by 126.141 cases in June. This number increased thorugh the next month reaching 150.716 passings which represents a 3.40% of the confirmed cases in the country.
The number of recovers in USA was 391.508 by May. In the next month, the number of recovers reached 705.203 people and the number would grow even more by the end of July to 1.389.425 (31,38% of the total confirmed cases).
Brazil ranks in the second place regarding the total number of confirmed cases by COVID-19 with 411,821 at the end of May, a figure that increased considerably in the month of June to reach 1,368,195, a 232% increase. At the end of July, the country recorded a figure of 2,552,265 infected people, that is, 1,184,070 more than the previous month.
In terms of deaths, Brazil recorded a figure of 25,598 deaths at the end of May, which increased to 58,314 (4.26% of those infected to date). Likewise, we observe that the number of deaths reached 90,134 in July.
The number of recoveries stood at 166,647 at the end of May. Thus, this figure added 591,164 more recoveries by June just to reach 757,811 people reccovered from the COVID-19. In the last month of the quarter, Brazil reached 1,922,802 recovered, an increase of 153.73% over June.
The total number of people infected at the end of May in Mexico was 78,023, a very low figure compared to the data recorded in of June when it reached 220,657, that is, 182% more than in the previous month. In July, the total figure reached 408,449, 0.32% of Mexico’s total population.
The number of deaths in May was 8,597 (11% of the total confirmed cases). In June, 27,121 people died, an increase of 18,524 deaths compared to the previous month. Finally, the number of deaths was 45,361 in July due to COVID-19.
The recoveries in Mexico recorded 53,834 in May while in June, the figure reached 170,147 within June what is, more than 100,000 recovered people during this month. In July, the data for recoveries is 314,538 (77% of the total confirmed cases).
During this quarter, the country of Chile registered a total of 82,289 cases in May, with an increase in the month of June to reach 275,999 infected throughout the country. July data shows 351,575 cases (1.88% of the country’s total population).
The number of recoveries in May was 33,540, which increased to 236,154 recovered by the end of June (86% of total confirmed cases). In July, 324,557 people were recovered (92.3% of total confirmed cases).
The total number of cases in Peru during the month of May, as we can see in the graph, reached 135,905, suffering a considerable increase during the month of June until reaching 282,365 infected. In July, 400,683 people were infected (1.09% of the country’s total population).
As for passings, Peru recorded 3,983 deaths in May (2.93% of total confirmed cases). In the month of June, Peru reached 9,504 deaths, that is, 5,521 more deaths than the previous month. Finally, during the month of July, there were 48,816 deaths from COVID-19.
The figures for recoveries in Peru during the month of May were 59,906. This number would be 171,159 in June (60.6% of total confirmed cases). During the month of July, 280,044 were recovered.
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