Youth4Regions is the European Commission programme helping journalism students and young journalists to discover what the EU is doing in their region. What do we offer? Trainings on journalism and EU regional policy The chance to receive mentorship from established journalists from your country Working side by side with renowned journalists during the EU Regions’ Week […]
Read MoreAyudas del CEI-Mar para jóvenes investigadores y posgraduados
Posgraduados en estudios marinos y jóvenes investigadores están de enhorabuena pues aún tienen la opción de optar a una de las cuatro líneas de ayudas del CEI-Mar enmarcadas dentro del Plan de Acción 2019. Con ellas, se busca facilitar que puedan completar su formación con cursos de capacitación o con movilidades en el extranjero. De este modo la Universidad de […]
Read MoreZis Foundation Travel Grants
Zis Foundation is inviting young people of all nationalities between 16 and 20 to get the chance to receive a grant of 600 Euros for a self-organised study trip to a foreign country. Because this is your journey, it’s up to you to decide which travel topic best suits you. Whether it’s art, nature, sports […]
Read MoreBecas My First Choice para cursar Máster en Polonia
El programa de becas Poland My First Choice de la Agencia Nacional Polaca para el Intercambio Académico (NAWA, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene como objetivo alentar a jóvenes con talento de países seleccionados a realizar estudios en las mejores universidades polacas. El Programa ofrece la oportunidad de realizar estudios de Máster a tiempo completo […]
Read MoreEuropean Youth Capital 2022
The European Youth Forum is launching the ‘European Youth Capital’ (EYC) 2022. This title is assigned to a European city for a period of one year during to empower young people, boost youth participation and strengthen European identity. Each year, a new European city is given the chance to showcase its innovative ideas, projects and activities that aim […]
Read MoreFaces2Hearts
Faces2Hearts is a life-changing experience, which will take 20 enthusiastic vloggers to unusual destinations across the world to report on how the European Union is changing people’s lives for the better. How does it work? Faces2Hearts will pair a local vlogger and a European vlogger to discover communities beyond faces and reveal compelling stories […]
Read More#DiscoverEU initiative: free train tickets for 18 year olds
A new call opens!!! Young people of 18 who are citizens of the EU and like to travel can now do so more easily thanks to the “Discover EU” initiative, first proposed during the 2014 European Youth Event and later endorsed by MEPs . “Discover EU” Around 30,000 young Europeans aged 18 received free train […]
Read MoreConcurso EUstory
El concurso de historia para jóvenes Eustory tiene como concepto básico “aprender investigando”. La red europea Eustory promociona este concurso en América, España y Portugal a través de la Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda, entidad que lo organiza en colaboración con la Asociación Andaluza de Profesores e Investigadores de Geografía e Historia, de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades […]
Read MoreGreenpeace volunteer programme
Do you have a passion for this planet and want to do more? 15,000 volunteers around the world help Greenpeace to do everything from painting signs and organizing local marches, to dropping banners and occupying oil-rigs. What’s the contest? There are basically four different options of volunteering: You can create your own campaign with GreenpeaceX. […]
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