The European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Communication has published a new call for the Media Grants Program, this time with the aim of increasing citizens’ awareness of the role and democratic values of the EU in the run-up to the 2024 European elections.
These media actions must have a two-fold objective:
1. Providing regular, reliable, pluralistic and non-partisan information on the forthcoming 2024 European Elections, as well as on the political and legislative work of the European Parliament (inter alia: recovery plan Next Generation EU, European Green Deal, European Digital Economy, Europe in the world, Future of Europe, rule of law, etc.), emphasizing its implications in the European citizen’s daily lives.
2. Promoting participation and engaging citizens and civil society organisations in the debate on the forthcoming 2024 European Elections, by organising online and off-line events, public consultations, surveys, etc.
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This is a call for EU action grants for communication activities in the field of media managed by the DG Communication of the European Parliament, ahead of the 2024 European Elections.
The purpose of this call for proposal is to award grants co-financing media actions by news agencies, television channels, radio stations, digital media and written press. Digital media includes both digital-only media and digital platforms of other media.
January 26, 2023
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