The European Commission is looking for specialists with an extensive experience in the field of international cooperation and managing aid to non-EU countries.
Recruited specialists (grades AD 7 and AD 9) will mainly work in the European Commission’s departments that formulate the EU’s development policy to reduce poverty in the world, to ensure sustainable economic, social and environmental development and to promote democracy, the rule of law, good governance and the respect of human rights. The EU and its Member States are the world’s leading donor of development assistance.
The main tasks include analysing and elaborating development and humanitarian aid policies, formulating the strategic orientation for EU international cooperation and humanitarian aid, and contributing to the management of crises. Additionally, duties consist of managing and designing financial instruments as well as promoting the use of these instruments in cooperation with internal and external interlocutors and stakeholders. Specialists in the higher grade (AD 9) may also manage a team of professionals.
As an employer, the Institutions and Agencies of the EU offer a community of expertise with a wide range of opportunities to broaden your learning, enhance your skills, and develop your career. Respect for cultural diversity and promotion of equal opportunities are founding principles of the EU and the European Personnel Selection Office endeavours to apply equal opportunities, treatment and access to all candidates.
Dead line
14 January 2020
More information
You can find out more about our equal opportunities policy and how to request special adjustments for selection tests on our dedicated page.
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