On 4 July, the European Union (EU) and Mexico held the 10th session of the High Level Dialogue on Human Rights in Brussels.
The Dialogue between the EU and Mexico offers an important platform for both sides to update one another on the situation in the field, exchange information on their latest legislative initiatives and policies in the area of human rights, raise concerns about human rights violations and individual cases, and strengthen their bilateral and multilateral cooperation on the protection and promotion of human rights.
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The Dialogue was preceded by the 8th EU-Mexico Civil Society Seminar held on 1st July 2022 in Brussels. The Seminar, organised jointly by Mexican and European civil society organisations, allowed for an in-depth exchange of views and experiences on the situation of human rights in the EU and Mexico and concluded with a list of concrete recommendations for EU and Mexican authorities. These recommendations were presented in the first part of today’s High Level Dialogue. EU and Mexican authorities commended the work of civil society and human rights defenders in both regions, stressed the importance of preserving a safe and enabling environment for their work, and both recognised the contribution human rights defenders make to the strengthening of democratic societies.
They discussed access to justice, impunity and the rule of law, migration and human mobility, enforced disappearances, the need to strengthen the protection of journalists and human rights defenders, the rights of groups in vulnerable situations (children, LGBTIQ, persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples), hate speech and xenophobia, gender equality, femicide, gender-based violence, and all types for violence against women and girls. Issues related to business and human rights, the impact of illicit traffic of firearms on human rights, digital technologies and human rights including unlawful digital surveillance, and the link between the environment and human rights were also discussed. Mexico and the EU condemned all kinds of discrimination. They also rejected attacks against, and expressed support for, those who fight for upholding the rule of law, free speech and human rights and committed to protect them. The two sides agreed to ensure proper follow-up.
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The UN Human Rights Council, and in particular Mexico’s membership, continues to provide an opportunity for further constructive engagement in the discussion of human rights and humanitarian challenges around the world.
The EU and Mexico committed to organise the next EU-Mexico High Level Dialogue on Human Rights, tentatively scheduled for mid 2023 in Mexico City and to hold the “trialogue” between civil society representatives and government authorities before that.
The meeting was co-chaired on the EU side by the European Union Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Eamon Gilmore, and on Mexico’s side by the Vice-Minister for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ms Martha Delgado Peralta. The previous Dialogue took place on 10th July 2020 in virtual format.
More information: Delegation of the European Union to Mexico
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