The project Forum on the Future of the EU, by “Equipo Europa”, has been the winner in Spain of the 2024 edition of the Charlemagne Youth Prize. The aim of this project, which was carried out in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council and the European election year, is to bring together in a single document 24 proposals for improvement in various areas.
The proposals were presented and discussed at an event attended by more than 200 young people from associations and universities from different EU countries, held between 17 and 19 November 2023 in Madrid.
After the Forum, the young people have worked on the implementation of these initiatives, which have been presented to various European institutions and governments.
“Team Europe selected 25 analysts from its partnership – based on their merits – to work and make proposals around five themes: the digital transition; the green agenda; equality, diversity and accessibility; the economy and the European Social Pillar; and foreign policy. These teams were advised by experts from various institutions such as the Bank of Spain and consultancies such as Kreab. The proposals were also drawn from associations from other European countries.
The Spanish jury for the Charlemagne Prize was made up of MEPs Laura Ballarín Cereza (S&D) and Ana Collado Jiménez (EPP), as well as Andrea González Henry, President of the Spanish Youth Council, representing civil society. In total 47 projects were received, of which 26 complied with the rules and were examined.
In its conclusions, the jury highlights that the Forum is deserving of the Award for the work developed by “Team Europe”. It also highlights its successful work, which has made this group the largest European youth association with a presence throughout Spain. The jury stresses that it is very positive to encourage them to continue working and to make their efforts and commitment visible, and praises the winning project for having taken advantage of the consensus reached during the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.
Once the national winners have been chosen, the European jury – composed of the President of the European Parliament, two MEPs, three representatives of the International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen Foundation and two representatives of the youth sector (including former winners of the prize) – will choose the three winning European projects, which will be announced on 7 May at a ceremony in Aachen, Germany.
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The Charlemagne Youth Prize has been awarded annually since 2008 to youth-led projects that promote European and international understanding, with the aim of highlighting the daily work of young people across Europe to strengthen democracy.
The first prize is ¤7,500, the second prize is ¤5,000 and the third prize is ¤2,500.
To be valid, projects must be submitted by a person residing in one of the 27 Member States and aged between 16 and 30 at the time of application. In addition, the project must have produced results in areas such as promoting cooperation and understanding both across Europe and internationally, promoting a shared sense of European identity and integration, encouraging other young Europeans to participate in our democracy, or providing practical examples of Europeans living together in community.
More information: European Parliament
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