In the framework of the “Seeds for Integration” project, the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU) has launched the Seeds for Integration Grants.
The aim is to provide seed-funding to secondary school students on local, regional or national level to empower them to implement initiatives aimed at enhancing the integration of refugee students and pupils with migration background.
– engage all students, regardless of their origins, into a debate over the situation of refugee and migrant children in Europe in the context of education, and to forge a dialogue between schools on a local, regional and national level about the above topic;
– foster and support initiatives of school students that are empowering their peers with migration background to share with the school community their experiences and the challenges they face in the field of education, thus raising awareness to the issues refugeeand migrant pupils might encounter during their everyday life.
– build closer ties between the communities’ migrant students are coming from and the school community.
Pillar 1 – Up to 1000 or 4000 Euros will be granted to:
– grass-root initiatives of secondary school students;
– student unions active on local, regional or national level having a creative idea about how to support the integration of pupils and students with refugee and migrant background. The amount is assigned according to the size of the union and project idea.
diciembre de 2019
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