This call (EP-PP-CLEAN-STEEL-2019) from the Coal and Steel Research Fund, aims to identify and accelerate the deployment of cutting-edge technology pathways for the commercial demonstration of near-zero CO2 steel production by 2030 in Europe.
Although the pilot project is mainly aimed at the steel sector, it should not be limited to this sector or other energy-intensive industries. It should also examine technological solutions from other sectors, identifying technology spills from unrelated sectors. The pilot project will require close collaboration with think tanks, relevant European research and technology centres, industrial associations, steel producers, private investors and civil society organisations, as well as with European institutions (European Parliament, European Council and European Commission) and national and regional public bodies.
The activities carried out by the pilot project should include:
- Analysis and summary of promising technological pathways, resulting from global research projects (EU projects, national or regional funding, funding from third countries).
- Prioritisation of the most promising technology routes adapted to Europe’s main steel plants, complemented by a technology roadmap describing the milestones, timetable and value chains needed to produce clean steel in Europe.
- Identification of decarbonisation pathways by 2030 and 2050 in consultation with industry and stakeholders to ensure private sector commitment. In addition, non-financial barriers to investment in low carbon technologies need to be identified and analysed.
- Identification of the investments and innovative financing mechanisms needed to achieve the reductions specified in point 1.
- Evaluation of the impacts of the technologies to be implemented, of the optimal industrial sites and of the necessary investments. The assessment will be structured in accordance with the EU guidelines on better regulation. The evaluation will include a cost-benefit analysis examining the following three options: non-utilisation[5] of European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) assets, partial utilisation of ECSC assets and full utilisation of those assets. In addition, the analysis must assess whether, how and why the EU should take action (including costs of inaction).
- Organisation of two interactive workshops with external actors and a large final public event to present and disseminate the results of the project.
09th of July, 2019
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