Call open for applications for a postdoctoral research grant within the framework of project “AISym4Med: Synthetic and scalable data platform for medical empowered AI” (101095387), financed by Horizon Europe | Cluster 1: Health
Duties of the position
Development and evaluation of metalearning and artificial data generation techniques to improve understanding of the functioning of machine learning algorithms.
- Other research support tasks (eg student monitoring, proposal preparation, report writing, preparation of scientific and pedagogical materials, software development)
Legislation and regulations: Law Nº. 40/2004, of 18th August, in its current wording (Statutes of Scientific Research Fellow) and Regulation of Research Grants of University of Porto.
Work place: The work will be developed at the Department of Informatics Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), under the scientific supervision of Carlos Manuel Milheiro de Oliveira Pinto Soares.
Required selection criteria
Candidates who cumulatively meet the following requirements may apply for this grant:
- a) Hold a PhD degree in Computer Science, Informatics Engineering or related area, obtained in the last three years before the application to this grant;
- b) The Post-doctoral research is carried out in a host entity other than the one where the research work that led to the award of the PhD degree was developed.
- c) Do not exceed, with this scholarship contract, including renewals, an accumulated period of three years in this condition, followed or interpolated.
If the degree has been awarded by a foreign higher education institution, it must comply with the provisions of the Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of august 16th, and any formalities established there must be fulfilled until the time of signing the contract.
Initial duration of 12 months, with starting date predicted to January 2025, on exclusive basis regime, eventually renewable, up to the maximum of 3 years but not exceeding the end of the project.
If it is not possible to ensure the duration of 12 months estimated in the previous paragraph, this duration will be adjusted according to the end date of the project, and provided that the minimum duration of 3 consecutive months is guaranteed, in accordance with paragraph 4 of article 11 of the Regulation of Research Grants of University of Porto.
Stipend: The grant stipend amounts to between 1801,00€ according to the table of values of the Regulation of Research Grants of University of Porto and 2286,00€, depending on the profile and previous experience of the candidate in the area of the project. The payment will be made by bank transfer.
Organisation/Company –FEUP
Research Field –Engineering » Computer engineering Engineering » Other
Researcher Profile – First Stage Researcher (R1)
Country – Portugal
Application Deadline – 3 Dec 2024 – 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
More information: EURAXESS.
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