Expected Outcome
Project results are expected to contribute to at least one of the following expected outcomes:
- Deliver transformative technologies that will allow a step change in the reduction of local air quality (LAQ) from NOx, SOx, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and particulate matter (PM) that occur below 900m above ground level around airports. Explore synergies with land-based energy systems in Destination 3 and 4 of this Work Programme for the capture of these emissions and/or purification of air.
- Deliver transformative technologies towards a silent aircraft operations around airports, including a study on airport noise map towards assessing the airports that would most benefit from noise reduction policies.
- Advance further integrated and reference European models and methods for estimating aircraft emissions (LAQ and noise) inventories for operations in the airport vicinity, highly accurate estimations on the number of people affected. The models, methods and advancements in measurement technologies should advance further, contribute to and collaborate with existing ICAO CAEP and EUROCONTROL initiatives. They should also be aligned with H2020-ARTEM outcomes towards meeting the ACARE Flighpath2050 goals.
LAQ and noise aviation emissions effect the quality of life and health. Air pollution is the number one environmental cause of premature death in the European Union. Despite progress in recent decades, it still causes more than 400,000 premature deaths every year, and it brings respiratory and cardiovascular diseases to millions.
While the aviation contribution is estimated to 0.4% of the total deaths attributed annually to global air quality degradation, aviation has a substantial impact on local air pollution around airport areas and efforts are ongoing to reduce it further. Aircraft noise remains a matter of concerns for airports and local authorities despite significant improvements, due to anticipated increase of total number of flights in Europe (could reach 12.8 million by 2035 – despite the present COVID-19 disruption).
Regarding the reduction of local air quality (LAQ) from NOx and particulate matter (PM), the selected technologies may consider sustainable drop-in and non-drop-in fuel options, aligned with EU industrial roadmaps and R&I activities in topic HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-05.
Regarding the reductions of aviation noise around airports, the selected technologies should consider propulsion and aircraft-propulsion integration interdependencies as well as operational air-traffic management procedures.
This topic aims to support the EU and ICAO LAQ and noise policies. This topic aims for new aircraft and engine technologies that satisfy the design and operational interdependencies between CO2, non-CO2 and noise emissions, are compatible with approved operational procedures and are aligned with the European industrial roadmaps for further development, validation and integration beyond 2030.
26 April 2022
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