Expected Outcome Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes: Security-by-design concept and resilience to adversarial attacks; Inclusion of context awareness in machine learning in order to boost resiliency. Scope Proposals received under this topic will address the security of AI systems, in the line with the following considerations. […]
Read MoreHorizon Europe: Access to health and care services for people in vulnerable situations
Expected Outcome This topic aims at supporting activities that are enabling or contributing to one or several expected impacts of destination 4 “Ensuring access to innovative, sustainable and high-quality health care”. To that end, proposals under this topic should aim for delivering results that are directed, tailored towards and contributing to several of the following […]
Read MoreHorizon Europe: European Blue Parks – Protection and restoration of marine habitats
Expected Outcome To support the implementation of the European Green Deal, the Biodiversity Strategy and the Nature Restoration Law, project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Effectively managed marine protected areas with clear science-based conservation objectives and conservation measures that contribute to the restoration and protection of marine ecosystems […]
Read MoreHorizon Europe: Needs-based adaptation to climate change in Africa
Expected Outcome Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Accelerated deployment of climate services to build climate resilience. Better informed climate adaptation policy response, stronger adaptive capacity and climate resilience in Africa, with a focus on the Sub-Saharan region. Improved synergies between adaptation action and other policy objectives, notably the Sustainable Development […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: Accelerating climate-neutral hydrogen-powered/electrified aviation
Project results should focus on transformative technologies that address existing technology gaps for an aircraft hydrogen and electrified powertrain of a megawatt class. Project results are expected to contribute to one of the following expected outcomes: Deliver transformative aircraft energy storage, conversion and distribution technologies for hydrogen and electrified propulsion that exceed the state-of-the-art. Deliver […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: A sustainable and green rail system
Expected Outcome DESTINATION 4 – A sustainable and green rail system In order to improve the existing sustainability performances of railway systems, new innovative products and services need to be developed, tested and deployed. On the basis of leading-edge technologies to minimize the overall energy and resource consumption and environmental impact of the railway system, […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: European Innovation Procurement Awards
Objective The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the global context and created an opportunity for the EU to redefine and affirm its role as a leader to achieve the necessary transformations ahead. Innovation procurement should play a key role to supporting the European priorities set up in the Green Deal and to securing the European technological […]
Read MoreEIC Accelerator Challenge: Technologies for ‘Fit for 55’
Scope This EIC Accelerator Challenge aims at supporting the development and scaling up of technologies and boosting breakthrough innovations that strengthen the green transition. Breakthrough innovations for this Challenge should have the potential to create significant economic, competitiveness and employment benefits for Europe. This Challenge targets ground-breaking innovations in any field of technology that have […]
Read MoreHORIZON EUROPE: The impact of inequalities on democracy
Expected Outcome Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes: Comprehensive evidence base to explain the long-term impact of various inequalities (socio-economic, gender, disability, spatial, ethnic, etc.) on political participation, democratic quality and stability. Development, validation and piloting of strategies, policies and action plans for tackling inequalities while boosting trust and resilience at […]
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