Expected Outcome
Expected results:
- Enhanced resilience and competitiveness of tourism SMEs through better uptake of sustainability principles, innovation, and digitalisation (i.e. use of new technologies, greening, data);
- New business models in tourism building on digitalisation, new technologies, sustainability, circularity;
- Enhanced cooperation along the tourism value chain;
- Improved transnational and cross-border cooperation, knowledge transfer and peer learning;
- Support to recovery of the tourism ecosystem from COVID-19 crisis by providing best practices for recovery investment.
This call for proposals will be part of the overall COVID-19 recovery strategy for a sustainable tourism ecosystem and remain in line with the priorities of SME strategy and industrial strategy.
This action is to guide the recovery of the tourism ecosystem by providing support, including with the intermediary of consortia of organisations of the relevant tourism industry stakeholders, to the digital and green transformation of tourism companies, particularly SMEs, and boosting innovation, resilience, sustainability and quality along the tourism value chain.
The activity will also include provision of financial support to third parties, e.g. SMEs.
16 February 2022
More information
European Commission – Funding & Tenders
Regional impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on the tourist sector
Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19. Part I, Overview
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