For the first time, the European Union will have its own uniformed service – the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps. This new border corps, composed of Frontex and EU Member States’ officers, will at any time be able to support the Member States facing challenges at their external borders.
- border control at land, sea and air borders
- border surveillance
- collecting and sharing information on situation at EU’s borders and beyond
- search and rescue activities
- returning people who do not have the right to stay in the EU
- fighting cross-border crime, including migrant smuggling, document fraud and terrorism.
Frontex border guards will be working in operational areas at at EU/Schengen external borders. The officers may also work in non-EU country, provided it signed a Status Agreement with the EU.
There are different educational requirements for each of the three levels.
- For the basic level, you need to have diploma for completing university or equivalent studies of at least three years or professional training of an equivalent level.
- For the intermediate level, you need to possess a level of post-secondary education attested by a diploma or a level of secondary education attested by a diploma giving access to post-secondary education, and appropriate professional experience of at least three years.
- For the advanced level, you need to have a diploma for completing university or equivalent studies when the normal period of university education is four years or more or a diploma for completing university studies and appropriate professional experience of at least one year when the normal period of university education is at least three years or professional training of an equivalent level.
16 December 2019: Deadline for applications
March 2020: Selection completed
May-November 2020: Training
January 2021: First Frontex border guards begin work at the borders
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