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- Role: Ensuring safety and environmental protection in civil aviation in Europe
- Director: Patrick Ky
- Members: 27 EU countries + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Norway
- Partners: European civil aviation authorities
- Established in: 2002
- Number of staff: 840
- Location: Cologne (Germany)
- Website: European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is responsible for ensuring safety and environmental protection in air transport in Europe.
What it does
EASA’s role includes:
- harmonising regulations and certification
- developing the single EU aviation market
- drawing up technical aviation rules
- type certification of aircraft & components
- approving companies that design, manufacture & maintain aeronautical products
- providing safety oversight and support to EU countries (e.g. on air operations, air traffic management)
- promoting European and global safety standards
- working with international stakeholders to improve safety in Europe (e.g. the ‘EU air safety list’ – a list of banned operators).
Who benefits
The European and international civil aviation community:
- European civil aviation authorities
- air operators & airlines
- European manufacturers/designers of aircraft & parts
- maintenance companies
- commercial & private pilots
- approved training organisations
- aero-medical centres
- air traffic controllers & air navigation services
- airports
Aircraft & aeronautical products covered:
- medium & large jets
- turboprop aircraft
- light aircraft
- rotary-wing aircraft (helicopters, gyroplanes)
- light sport aircraft (balloons, gliders, airships, civilian drones)
- engines, propellers, flight simulators
- some military aircraft (e.g. the A400M airlifter)
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