September 26 is the European Day of Languages and we want you to celebrate it with us.
Why a European Day of Languages?
The 47 member states of the Council of Europe encourage more than 800 million Europeans to learn more languages at any age, inside and outside the school. Convinced that linguistic diversity is a tool to achieve greater intercultural understanding and a key element in the rich cultural heritage of our continent, the Council of Europe promotes multilingualism throughout Europe.
When is celebrated
On the initiative of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, the European Day of Languages has been celebrated, since 2001, on September 26 of each year.
Activities “European Day of Languages”
To celebrate the European linguistic richness, the European Documentation Center has prepared a series of activities in the Central Building of the UAL where we will be waiting for you with informative material, merchandising and a contest to test your knowledge in other languages of the European Union that can make you Win a super complete Kit with material from our Center.
Online Contest
We have also prepared an online contest so you can find out how much you know about languages.
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