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Role: Ensures that EU institutions and bodies respect people’s right to privacy when processing their personal data
Supervisor: Wojciech Wiewiórowski
Year established: 2004
Location: Brussels (Belgium)
The EU institutions and bodies sometimes process citizens’ personal information – in electronic, written or visual format – in the course of their duties. Processing includes collecting, recording, storing, retrieving, sending, blocking or erasing data. It is the task of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) to uphold the strict privacy rules governing these activities.
What does the EDPS do?
- supervises the EU administration’s processing of personal data to ensure compliance with privacy rules
- advises EU institutions and bodies on all aspects of personal data processing and related policies and legislation
- handles complaints and conducts inquiries
- works with the national authorities of EU countries to ensure consistency in data protection
- monitors new technologies that might have an impact on data protection
How does the EDPS work?
The Supervisor is appointed for a renewable 5-year term of office. For everyday operations, the EDPS comprises 2 main entities:
- Supervision and Enforcement – evaluates data protection compliance by EU institutions and bodies.
- Policy and Consultation – advises EU legislators on data protection issues in various policy areas and new legislative proposals.
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