Main results
Eight years since their last gathering, EU leaders and leaders from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) met in Brussels for the third EU-CELAC summit.
The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the CELAC pro tempore president, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Ralph Gonsalves, co-chaired the summit.
At the summit, EU and CELAC leaders committed to renewing their long-standing partnership, which is founded on shared values and interests and strong economic, social and cultural ties.
The leaders discussed a broad range of issues to bolster the partnership, including:
- enhanced cooperation in multilateral fora
- global peace and security
- trade and investment
- efforts to combat climate change
- justice and security for citizens
At the end of the summit they adopted a declaration, which was endorsed by all countries, with one exception due to its disagreement with one paragraph, and agreed to hold summits every two years.
The EU-CELAC roadmap for 2023 to 2025 was also presented at the meeting, and an EU-Caribbean leaders’ meeting was held in the margins of the summit.
New Agenda to strengthen EU’s partnership with Latin America and the Caribbean |
The leaders reaffirmed that the basis of the EU-CELAC partnership is a shared commitment to democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, inclusive multilateralism and international cooperation in line with the principles enshrined in the UN Charter and international law.
Together, the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean make up more than a third of UN membership and are a force for a strong rules-based multilateral system.
In this context, the leaders committed to:
- fight discrimination and gender-based violence
- promote fundamental labour rights and standards
- promote gender equality
- promote the rights of indigenous people, children, human rights defenders, persons in situations of vulnerability and people of African descent
- enhance cooperation in multilateral fora and financial institutions
The leaders expressed their profound regret for the untold suffering inflicted on millions of men, women and children as a result of the transatlantic slave trade.
Global peace and security
A solid EU-CELAC partnership will act as a positive joint force to advance stability and peace worldwide and to address global and regional security challenges.
The EU and CELAC are committed to the sovereign equality of all states, respect for their territorial integrity and political independence and the resolution of disputes by peaceful means in conformity with justice and international law.
In this regard, the leaders:
- expressed their deep concern over the ongoing war against Ukraine, as well as their support for a just and sustainable peace and the Black Sea Grain Initiative
- called for continued efforts to support the process of dialogue in Haiti in view of the deteriorating public security and humanitarian situation
- recalled their support for the peace process and 2016 peace agreement in Colombia
- encouraged a constructive dialogue in the Venezuelan-led negotiations in Mexico City
- recalled their opposition to laws and regulations with extraterritorial effect in view of the embargo imposed against Cuba
EU and Uruguay boost cooperation on renewable energy, energy efficiency and renewable hydrogen
Climate change and sustainable development
Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to protect our planet and fight climate change, pursue efforts to keep the global 1.5°C goal within reach, and lead the shift towards a sustainable economy.
They committed to cooperate to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change and environmental degradation and to accelerate the implementation of agreements, conventions and treaties on:
- the sustainable development goals
- efforts to combat climate change
- biodiversity
- desertification
- the high seas and protection of oceans
Trade and investment
The leaders recognised the importance of open and fair trade, productive supply chains and access to markets and their contribution to sustainable development. Cooperation with regard to critical raw materials and rare earth metals is especially important in this respect.
The EU, Latin America and the Caribbean have one of the world’s densest trade networks, with total trade in goods and services of €369 billion in 2022. Building on these solid foundations, the leaders welcomed ongoing work on trade agreements between the EU and Chile and Mexico and discussed how to further strengthen economic and trade ties between the regions. They also took note of ongoing work between the EU and Mercosur.
EU and Chile strengthen cooperation on sustainable critical raw materials supply chains
Leaders also recognised the potential contribution of the EU-LAC global gateway investment agenda, which will address investment gaps and mobilise funding for areas such as sustainable development, digital transformation, health infrastructures and energy production.
Digital transition
Leaders stressed the importance of promoting a responsible, human-centric, values-based and inclusive digital transition.
In this regard, they highlighted the need to protect privacy rights, increase digital connectivity and cybersecurity, close digital gaps and contribute to trust in the digital economy.
In the margins of the summit, a joint declaration on a digital alliance was also agreed, with the aim of boosting cooperation on digital matters to the benefit of citizens.
EU-LAC: Joint Declaration on a Digital Alliance
Justice and security for citizens
The leaders agreed to consolidate and strengthen their partnership on justice and security and to combat organised crime in all its forms, as well as corruption and money laundering.
The leaders also noted the huge challenges faced and efforts made by countries fighting international crime, including the illicit drug trade and trafficking in weapons and humans.
Health resilience
The EU and CELAC committed to advancing work on the local manufacturing of vaccines, medicines and health technologies. They will also work together to strengthen the resilience of health systems to improve prevention, preparedness and response to public health emergencies. In this regard, leaders look forward to progress on the new legally binding instrument from the World Health Organisation, which it aims to agree by May 2024.
More information: European Council
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