A Jean Monnet Chair is a teaching post with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors for a duration of three years.
A Jean Monnet Chair is held by only one professor, who provides a the minimum of 90 teaching hours per academic year.
Activities under this action
Main activities (minimum of 90 hours per academic year):
- deepen teaching in European Union studies embodied in an official curriculum of a higher education institution;
- provide in-depth teaching on European Union matters for future professionals in fields which are in increasing demand on the labour market;
Role of organisations participating
Jean Monnet Chairs are an integral part of the higher education institution that concludes the grant agreement/decision.
Jean Monnet Chairs are inscribed in their institution’s official academic activities. The higher education institutions are requested to support Jean Monnet Chair holders in their teaching, research and reflection activities, allowing the widest possible range of curricula to benefit from the courses; they should recognise the teaching activities developed.
Higher education institutions have the final responsibility for their applications. They are obliged to maintain the activities of a Jean Monnet Chair during the entire duration of the project. If the institution is obliged to replace Chair holder, a written request for approval has to be sent to the Executive Agency. Moreover the new proposed chair holder must have the same level of specialisation in European Union studies.
Dead line
20 February 2020
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