At the moment only the Community of Madrid, the city of Vitoria and the town of Labastida are in this situation.
1. Measures in the educational field:
a. Suspension of face-to-face teaching activity at all educational levels (Universities, High School, Secondary Education, Primary and Infant Education, Nursery Schools, Vocational Training and others).
b. Suspension of complementary educational activities.
2. Recommendations in the labour field:
a. Carrying out teleworking whenever possible.
b. Review and update of the plans for continuity of the work activity in case of emergencies.
c. Flexibility in working hours and staggered shifts to reduce worker concentrations.
d. Favouring meetings by videoconference.
On the other hand, the NHS Interterritorial Council has agreed to include a set of protection measures for specific populations throughout Spain:
1. Encourage home care for the elderly.
2. Recommendation to all elderly people, who suffer from chronic, multipathological diseases or with states of congenital or acquired immunosuppression that limit their departure from their home or residence. In any case, it is recommended to avoid crowded places where it is not possible to maintain the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter.
And other measures of a general nature such as:
1. Avoid trips that are not necessary.
2. People who begin to experience respiratory symptoms and/or fever are recommended to stay at home and avoid going to health centres, provided that their clinical situation allows it, and to their workplace.
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