The European Commission delivered a legislative proposal that will facilitate access to the right to free movement for persons with disabilities, by making sure they can, on an equal basis, access special conditions, preferential treatment, and parking rights when visiting another Member State.
The Commission’s proposal introduces a standardised European Disability Card and enhances the current European Parking Card for persons with disabilities. Both cards will be recognised throughout the EU.
A European Disability Card
When people’s disability status is not recognised abroad, they cannot access the special conditions and preferential treatment, such as free and/or priority access, reduced fees or personal assistance, while visiting other Member States. To address this issue, the Commission proposes the creation of a standardised European Disability Card.
The European Disability Card will serve as recognised proof of disability throughout the EU, granting equal access to special conditions and preferential treatment in public and private services, including for instance transport, cultural events, museums, leisure and sport centres, or amusement parks. It will be issued by the national competent authorities and complement existing national cards or certificates.
Improving the European Parking Card
For many persons with disabilities, private car transport remains the best or only possibility for travel and getting around independently, ensuring their autonomy. The proposed improvements to the current European Parking Card will allow persons with disabilities to access the same parking rights available in another Member State. It will have a binding common format that will replace national parking cards for persons with disabilities and be recognised throughout the EU.
Ensuring accessibility of the cards
To promote ease of use and reduce administrative burden, the proposed Directive will require Member States to:
- Provide the cards in both physical and digital versions.
- Make conditions and rules for issuing or withdrawing the cards publicly available in accessible formats.
- Ensure service providers offer information on special conditions and preferential treatment for persons with disabilities in accessible formats.
To guarantee compliance, Member States must ensure persons with disabilities, their representative organisations and relevant public bodies can take action under national law if needed. After adoption of the Directive into national law, Member States are asked to impose fines and corrective measures in case of violations.
More information: European Commission
Sami says
In Finland people sell these Disability and Parking Cards to get money and the buyer avoiding the parking fees. The card should be electrical so the missuse of the card could be perevented more often.