Today, the Commission has opened a second formal proceedings against TikTok under the Digital Services Act (DSA). Today’s opening is to assess whether the company may have breached the DSA when launching TikTok Lite in France and Spain. Under the DSA, designated Very Large Online Platforms are obliged to submit a risk assessment report, including measures to […]
Read MoreCommission asks TikTok for more details on risk assessment of new TikTok Lite application recently launched in Spain
The Commission sent TikTok a request for information under the Digital Services Act, requesting more details on the risk assessment that the TikTok provider should have carried out before deploying the new TikTok Lite app in the EU. The request concerns the potential impact that the new “Task and Reward Lite” programme could have on the protection of minors, […]
Read MoreEurostat: In 2022, 65% of European citizens watched TV or videos online.
In 2022, 65% of EUcitizens watched TV or watched videos online. In 24 out of 27 EU countries, more than half of 16-74 year olds used the internet to watch TV or stream videos. Finland had the highest percentage at 93%, followed by the Netherlands (90%) and Denmark (89%). At the other extreme, […]
Read MoreAnti-SLAPP: Final green light for EU law protecting journalists and human rights defenders
The Council adopted a law to protect persons who speak out on matters of public interest against abusive lawsuits meant to silence them. Persons targeted by so called strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP), typically journalists and human rights defenders, will benefit from a number of procedural safeguards and measures. These safeguards and measures will […]
Read MoreEU member states’ representatives confirm agreement on European media freedom act
Member states’ EU ambassadors endorsed the provisional agreement reached on 15 December 2023 between the Council and the European Parliament’s negotiators on a new law to establish a common framework for media services in the EU internal market and to safeguard media freedom, media pluralism and editorial independence in the EU. The European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) […]
Read MoreCommission gives young people a stronger voice in EU policymaking as a legacy of the European Year of Youth
Young Europeans will have greater influence on EU policies. Building on the achievements of the 2022 European Year of Youth, today the Commission announced several actions that give young people a greater say in the decisions that affect them and deepen the youth dimension in a range of EU policies. Putting the needs of young […]
Read MoreCouncil and Parliament strike deal on new rules to safeguard media freedom
The Council has reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on a new law to safeguard media freedom, media pluralism and editorial independence in the EU. The European media freedom act (EMFA) will establish a common framework for media services in the EU’s internal market and introduce measures aimed at protecting journalists and media […]
Read MoreEU funds tool to help journalists and fact-checkers distinguish truth from lies
Is what I am reading or watching online true? An EU-backed project has enhanced a tool that helps journalists and fact-checkers tell truth from lies. Verifying online content can be a long and tiring process, and recent advances in AI have made it even easier to create and spread false and misleading texts, images and […]
Read MoreEurobarometer: TV still main source for news but social media is gaining ground
A dedicated Eurobarometer survey, published by the European Parliament, takes an in-depth look at media habits, including trust in different media sources. Awareness and media recall 68% of respondents recall having recently obtained news about the European Union via either press, internet, television or radio – with considerable variation across Member States, between 49% in […]
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