Defensa y Seguridad

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Economic performance of IPR indicators. 2022 edition, June 2023 update

In May 2021, the EUIPO presented the economic impact of COVID-19 crisis in IPR-intensive industries with data for the 2003-2020 period, including indicators for all intellectual property rights (IPR), trade marks (TM), designs (DES), patents (PAT) and copyright (CR). The IPR-intensive industries included in this paper were those established in the third edition of the EPO/EUIPO report ‘IPR-intensive industries and economic performance in the European Union’. In October 2022, the EPO and the EUIPO presented the fourth edition of this report with a new selection of IPR-intensive industries. Additionally, over the last 2 years, more countries have published short-term statistic (STS) indicators, which constitute the raw data for the IPR monthly indicators. The 2022 edition of the IPR indicators considers the new selection of IPR-intensive industries, new weights for calculating the indicators and all the available countries with data since 2019. These new IPR indicators are based on deflated and volume indicators to eliminate the impact of prices using more aggregated data in the manufacturing sector (NACE divisions). The more extensive list of countries balances out the shorter time series allowing the analysis of economic developments since the COVID-19 pandemic. The new IPR indicators will be updated every quarter to monitor their economic development for the European Union (EU) and 21 Member States (MS) with a total of 63 out of 135 possible indicators.

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Delivering on operational measures

a Comisión Europea acoge con satisfacción la orientación general alcanzada por los Estados miembros en el Consejo de Justicia y Asuntos de Interior del 8 de junio sobre los dos pilares del Nuevo Pacto sobre Migración y Asilo: el Reglamento sobre Asilo y Gestión de la Migración y el Reglamento sobre el Procedimiento de Asilo.

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Operation Fake Star analysis report

Operation Fake Star was launched in 2022 within the EMPACT Operational Action (O.A.) 3.4 under the lead of the Spanish National Police and co-lead of the Greek Hellenic Financial Police Division. This operational action aimed to detect counterfeit goods that were violating well-known brands’ intellectual property rights Europe-wide. The operational phases were carried out in accordance with information, data and complaints collected by the participants during the intelligence gathering phases. Commercial and industrial areas, flea markets and tourist areas, warehouses, shops and other similar places where these goods are commonly sold, extending to ports (containers), pop-up shops, and e-commerce related small parcel distribution companies, were targeted. This report will be used to identify particularly effective operational methodologies and possible connections with other cases, to quantify the overall results of the operation and to further develop targeted activities and methodologies.

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BEAST. A model for the assessment of system-wide risks and macroprudential policies

El Banking Euro Area Stress Test (BEAST) es un modelo semiestructural a gran escala desarrollado para analizar el sistema bancario de la zona del euro desde una perspectiva macroprudencial. El modelo combina la dinámica de aproximadamente 90 de los mayores bancos de la zona del euro con la de las distintas economías de la zona. Refleja la heterogeneidad de los bancos reproduciendo la estructura de sus balances y cuentas de pérdidas y ganancias. Además, permite a los bancos ajustar sus activos, su combinación de financiación, sus decisiones de fijación de precios, sus colchones de gestión y la distribución de beneficios junto con las condiciones individuales de cada banco, incluidos sus requisitos de capital y liquidez y otros límites de supervisión. Las respuestas de los bancos repercuten en las condiciones de la oferta de crédito y tienen efectos de retroalimentación en el entorno macroeconómico. Las soluciones estocásticas del modelo proporcionan una base sólida para investigar múltiples escenarios, derivar medidas de riesgo y estimar la incertidumbre del modelo. El modelo se utiliza regularmente para evaluar la capacidad de resistencia del sector bancario de la zona del euro, incluso en las pruebas de resistencia macroprudencial bienales del BCE, así como para analizar los efectos de los cambios regulatorios, macroprudenciales y de política monetaria.

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Translating radiotheranostic cancer research into clinical practice in Europe. Workshop report with conclusions and recommendations

El Centro Común de Investigación de la Comisión Europea puso en marcha en 2023 una serie de talleres de consulta a las partes interesadas sobre las dificultades para llevar las innovaciones en radionúclidos médicos al uso rutinario. En este contexto, el CCI celebró un taller el 27 de abril de 2023 en su sede de ISPRA sobre «Traslación de la investigación radioteranóstica del cáncer a la práctica clínica en Europa», con el fin de examinar los obstáculos que bloquean el acceso de los pacientes a los mejores tratamientos radiofarmacéuticos de última generación contra el cáncer. Dado que existen autorizaciones de mercado recientes para radiofármacos destinados a tumores neuroendocrinos y cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración, el taller examinó estas indicaciones médicas en las que se ha dado el paso de la investigación a la práctica clínica

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Background information for the CONT workshop on sponsorships of EU presidencies. Stocktaking and perspectives

Most of the Member States have used corporate sponsorship during their Council presidency. Although the official meetings of the Council are financed by the EU budget, the rotating presidency usually organises unofficial meetings and events that are not covered, while other extra costs also incur due to the presidency tasks. Even the regular Council tasks may costs extra for the Member State holding the presidency as it may need to reinforce the permanent representation in Brussels, send more diplomats to be present at all the meetings in Brussels, and also take care of more officials or politicians visiting the country than usual. A Council presidency may also be a good opportunity for the country to promote its local businesses, tourist attractions or cultural heritage. Therefore, it is customary to organise political, business, social and cultural events connected to the presidency in the home country, in Brussels or other Member States. These meetings require venues, transport, security, travel and accommodations, catering, interpretation and translation, technical support and media logistics. 1 All these extra costs are borne by the Member State, and many of them choose to involve sponsors in covering these. Sponsors mostly contribute in kind, most often with transport solutions, catering, IT or communications. In exchange, these sponsors may be presented with their names and logos alongside official Council Presidency logos.

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