The pandemic has affected not only people’s health, but the economy has also suffered a huge decline in most countries.
It is believed that the European Union is in charge of carrying out this mission within Europe, citizens agree that practical solutions must be put forward to combat this crisis. In a survey conducted by the European Parliament for Kantar, the response of Europeans is positive, 63% agree, to the membership of their country in the European Union.
In Spain, a similar situation occurs, in this case, up to 75% of the population believes that it benefits from being within the European Union, considering that it contributes to the country’s own economic growth, where living conditions and job opportunities are quite positive.
However, within this percentage, 54% believe that this economic situation will change and get worse in a year’s time. Therefore, only 22% believe that things will be better in twelve months. Also, some believe that their particular economic situation will remain the same or even improve in a year’s time.
On the other hand, citizens indicate that one of the priorities of the European Parliament is to fight poverty and social inequalities. The pandemic has led a large percentage of European citizens to consider reforming the EU. 78% of Spaniards want to give a greater role to the European Parliament in order to improve the economy, education, employment, equality and climate emergency.
More information
European Parliament – Full article
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