1 July 2021 marks the start of Slovenia’s presidency of the Council of the EU, which will last for the next six months. The presidency will strive to facilitate the EU’s recovery and reinforce its resilience, reflect on the future of Europe, strengthen the rule of law and European values, and increase security and stability in the European neihtbourhood.
The priorities of Slovenia’s presidency are driven by its motto: ‘Together. Resilient. Europe.’
The presidency’s programme focuses on four main areas:
- the EU’s recovery, resilience and strategic autonomy
- a reflection on the future of Europe
- the European way of life, the rule of law and European values
- increasing security and stability in the European neighbourhood
The Slovenian presidency of the Council of the EU will strive to actively contribute to strengthening the EU’s resilience to health, economic, energy, climate and cyber crises. Working together, supporting each other and acting in solidarity for the good of each and every European citizen will be key to strengthening the EU’s resilience.
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