The Commission has launched a 12-week open public consultation for the evaluation of the support to youth employment by the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund.
The European Commission is carrying out an evaluation of the support to youth employment by the Youth Employment Initiative and the European Social Fund. In the context of the evaluation, it has launched public consultation, accessible to all stakeholders and citizens in general.
How to participate
The consultation is available online in all official languages of the EU.
All citizens and organisations are invited to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from:
- young people, particularly in need of support,
- organisations involved in the management of European Social Fund and Youth Employment Initiative operational programmes,
- beneficiaries or project partners, as well as
- other organisations representing or working with young people, or promoting employment and active labour market policies.
Data process
The information collected will be used in assessing what has been achieved during the 2014-2018 period. It will also help the Commission to draw lessons on how to reinforce this support in the future, making it more effective and focused.
Amongst other subjects, the evaluation will assess:
- whether the youth most in need of assistance were adequately reached (also geographically),
- the quality of job and training offers, and
- which type of support has been the most effective.
Dead line
The consultation will end on 16 August 2019 (midnight Brussels time).
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