The overall goal of the REinforcing Women In REsearch (REWIRE) COFUND Programme is to support the careers of excellent postdoctoral female researchers at the University of Vienna.
What it is offered
- A 36-month fellowship in any discipline offered at the University of Vienna
- A highly competitive programme supporting you in your academic career progression and becoming a mentor for future female researchers
- Working at the largest research and education institution in Austria
- The chance to live in Vienna – the city with the highest quality of life in the world for 10 years in a row!
In addition to your individual research project and customised career development plan, you will be encouraged to
- Be part of and build upon an enhanced research network
- Participate in non-research oriented training programmes
- Develop transferable skills
- Gain international exposure through publications in high-profile journals
- Participate in international conferences
Dead line
30th September 2019, 17:00 Austria time.
The second call for applications is expected to open on 15th February 2020 and close on 15th April 2020.
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