PhD position is available for a highly motivated trainee in the field of Computational Biology/ Bioinformatics at Neurotranscriptomics Laboratory within the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney.
The research focuses on understanding how phenotypic complexity can arise during evolution, as well as how post-transcriptional regulation control neuronal function. The work focuses on the role of alternative splicing, and other post-transcriptional mechanisms, in expanding gene and protein function.
The candidate should have experience in computational biology or bioinformatics. We are particularly interested in a candidate with a biological background. Expertise in analyzing RNA-seq, nanopore, scRNA-seq, CLiP-seq or ATAC-seq would be a bonus. International candidates with publication/s and/or a Master’s degree are encouraged to apply.
This EMBL Australia affiliated project offers the opportunity to do great science in one of the best genomics and transcriptomics biomedical centres in the world, and to combine that with a great lifestyle in one of the best cities in the world.
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