A PhD position is available at the Centre for Women´s and Gender Research, Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education. The position is affiliated with the research group Contemporary Gender Research (ConGender). The daily workplace will be at UiT, campus Tromsø.
The Centre for women`s and gender research is a strategic university unit for building competence in gender research and on gender perspectives in research and education. The Centre is administered by the Faculty of Humanities, Social Science and Education, but its activities include and target all faculties. We aim to strengthen the identification and inclusion of gendered thematic across disciplines, among students and staff.
The position is for a period of four years. The nominal length of the PhD program is three years. The fourth year is distrubuted as 25 % each year, and will consist of teaching and other duties for the Faculty.
The position’s field of research
The PhD fellow will work within the thematic area gender perspectives in education, and explore gender and diversity as a practice and a vision i contemporary higher education. The PhD study will be an integral part of the project ”Democracy in education” (DIA). The aim of DIA is to map education practices at UiT the Arctic University of Norway, and contribute to the democratization of disciplines and topics selected for investigation. The fellow is expected to map and analyse teaching methods and content in selected education programmes, to explore how gender, power and difference matters in higher education.
A minimum of 5 years higher education (equivalent to 300 ECTS), including a two year master`s degree with a minimum average grade B. The applicant must have a Master’s thesis evaluated equivalent to 30 ECTS or more, with a minimume grade B. Qualification with a Master’s degree is required before commencement in the position. If you are near completion of your Master’s degree, you may still apply and submit a draft version of the thesis and a statement from your supervisor or institution indicating when the degree will be obtained. You must document completion of your degree before commencement in the position.
We offer
- A good academic environment with dedicated colleagues
- Flexible working hours and a state collective pay agreement
- Pension scheme through the state pension fund
- Cover letter explaining your motivation and research interests
- CV
- Diplomas, diploma supplements and transcripts (all degrees)
- Documentation on English proficiency. This website states how English profiency shall be documented.
- Contact information to 1-3 references
- Master thesis, and any other academic works
- Project proposal of 5-10 pages. Please find template here (“Fakultet for humaniora” -> “Opptak” -> “Krav til opptakssøknaden” -> “Mal for prosjektbeskrivelse – English)
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