We, the undersigned, the National Conciliation Commission (CNC), international organizations and countries that have been following the process of rapprochement between the Government of Colombia and the Central High Command, declare the following regarding the repudiatory acts of violence that have occurred in Putumayo and the process of dialogue and ceasefire between the parties:
- We condemn the murder of the young men belonging to the Murui – Muina indigenous people, in the department of Putumayo, we express our most sincere condolences and our solidarity with the families, loved ones and communities affected. Respect for the life and integrity of the civilian population is non-negotiable and is above any controversy. It is vital that the provisions of International Humanitarian Law are applied and that human rights are respected. It is also imperative to keep at the center of this peace process the protection of communities, the voice of victims and the search for non-repetition, especially for ethnic peoples who have been severely affected by the armed conflict for decades.
- We urge the parties to remain in the pursuit of negotiated peace, despite the challenges ahead, and we value any expression of commitment in this regard. We urge them to recognize this moment as an opportunity to take actions to strengthen the ceasefire to the benefit of the population living in the territories, to strengthen the functioning of its Oversight, Monitoring and Verification Mechanism, including guarantees for its presence in the territory to verify facts, and to establish the dialogue table.
- Aseguramos, con la responsabilidad y el compromiso que ha orientado nuestro trabajo para consolidar la paz en Colombia, que seguiremos prestos a apoyar y facilitar las vías que permitan reencauzar el proceso para reducir la violencia y proteger las comunidades en los territorios más afectados. Reafirmamos que, a pesar de los obstáculos y dificultades propias de todo camino que anhela superar la violencia, hoy más que nunca es imperativo mantener y fortalecer las puertas del diálogo y del entendimiento en favor de la paz.
The EU announces new cooperation projects with Colombia
National Conciliation Commission of the Colombian Episcopal Conference – UN Verification Mission in Colombia – MAPP-OAS – Delegation of the European Union in Colombia – Embassy of Ireland – Embassy of Norway
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